This week, the other interns at Time Warner, Kaitlin and Sara and I have been working on the New York City Audit for the years 2003-2008. It’s mind boggling for me to be actually auditing years that I was not even in high school. We have been pulling various financial statements and summarizing the information required by the auditors. Since our assignment is highly taxing (no pun intended) we decided to shake up our work week with a potluck lunch! I made a green salad, Kaitlin brought cupcakes, Sara made a fruit salad, the temp at Time Warner, Julio, made Spanish rice and Sylvia, the secretary, baked a ham! The eclectic menu was delicious and the banter was very interesting – we discussed a wide range of issues including politics, impending retirements, elementary school scuffles and more. It’s been such a gratifying experience getting to know the people in my office better and making friends here at Time Warner, not to mention a welcomed relief to have a brief break from from year 2005!
Rosemary Henry '14